Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Transaction log backup

In this post, i want to populate good to know information about log backup in SQL Server.

Query to know the history of transaction log backup.

SELECT      bs.backup_start_date, bs.backup_finish_date, *
FROM        msdb..backupfile bf
JOIN        msdb..backupset bs ON bf.backup_set_id = bs.backup_set_id
WHERE       bf.File_Type = 'L'

OR using

select database_name, max(backup_finish_date)
from msdb..backupset
where type = 'L'
group by database_name

Detailed reference for above query : Link

How often we should take transaction log backup: Link

 Recover data from transaction log backup: Link

Import Export model Dynamics 365 for operations

Following model management commands i have tried on Demo VM downloaded from LCS, which i found working as per the expectations.

Export model in Dynamics 365 operations.
C:\AOSService\PackagesLocalDirectory\Bin>ModelUtil.exe -export -metadatastorepath=C:\AOSService\PackagesLocalDirectory -modelname="FleetManagement" -outputpath=c:\temp

Import model in Dynamics 365 operations.
C:\AOSService\PackagesLocalDirectory\Bin>ModelUtil.exe -import -metadatastorepath=C:\AOSService\PackagesLocalDirectory -file=C:\Test\XYZDevelopments.axmodel

Delete model in dynamics 365 operations.
C:\AOSService\PackagesLocalDirectory\Bin>ModelUtil.exe -delete -metadatastorepath=C:\AOSService\PackagesLocalDirectory -modelname="FleetManagement"

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Object Server XX: Fatal SQL condition during login.

Message in event viewer on AOS server:

Object Server XX:  Fatal SQL condition during login. Error message: "The internal time zone version number stored in the database is higher than the version supported by the kernel (11/10). Use a newer Microsoft Dynamics AX kernel."

select * from SQLSystemVariables

Execute query above and check value in field "VALUE", it should look like image below. Please note that message in event viewer is helpful to update this value.

Event viewer message shows kernel (11/10) means current value is 11 and supported is 10, so here we need to update value to 10 using query below. - in your environment it can be 8/7 instead of 11/10 or it can be anything. I don't come across any MS documentation for the same. Please share your experience for the same error, does it works for you or have you solved by any other way.

update SQLSystemVariables set VALUE = 10


Upgrade from AX 2012 to Latest Dynamics 365 Finance and Operation

Below are the steps defined by sequence. 1. Create new Upgrade project in Dynamics LCS. 2. Create VSTS Project and connect it with L...

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