Friday, September 28, 2018

How to give authorization in fiddler

Fiddler: Set username and password for basic authentication

1. Open fiddler, click Tools->TextWizard.
2. Select checkbox of "To Base64"
3. Input your user name and password in top textbox such as
4. Go back to fiddler composer screen, below Host: line add line for Authorization as shown in image below.

Authorization: Basic bXlVc2VybmFSDlaAOaptOIeVBhc3N3b3J


User-Agent: Fiddler
Host: XXX.YYY.ZZZ.AAA:4444
Authorization: Basic bXlVc2VybmFSDlaAOaptOIeVBhc3N3b3J

Composer window should look like image below.

5. Hit execute.
6.Observe Result column on left side as well as Inspectors tab.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

SQL Administration

I want to maintain this post to make my day to day SQL administration activities easy.

1. SQL always on demonstration. - Link
2. Tracking page split in detail - Link

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Dynamics 365 for operations administration.

I want to maintain this blog post for purpose of dynamics 365 for operations administration tips and tricks.
This will consist of useful links from around the world to make administrator's life easy.

1. Dynamics 365 for operations, downloaded demo or development VHD default passwords - Link
Server remote login:
Username: local\Administrator
Password: pass@word1

SQL login (SSMS)
Username: axdbadmin 

Password: AOSWebSite@123

2. Database synchronizations using powershell
C:\AOSService\webroot\bin\Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Deployment.Setup.exe -bindir "C:\AosService\PackagesLocalDirectory" metadatadir "C:\AosService\PackagesLocalDirectory" -sqluser "AOSUSER" -sqlserver "." -sqldatabase "AxDB" -setupmode "sync" -syncmode "fullall" -isazuresql "false" -sqlpwd "AOSWebSite@123"

3. Batch service exception/ Maintenance mode in Dynamics 365 operations - Link
Command: (Standard way)
C:\AOSService\PackagesLocalDirectory\Bin\Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Deployment.Setup.exe –metadatadir C:\AOSService\PackagesLocalDirectory –bindir C:\AOSService\PackagesLocalDirectory –sqlserver . –sqldatabase axdb –sqluser AOSUser –sqlpwd AOSWebSite@123 –setupmode maintenancemode –isinmaintenancemode false

Using SQL query (Not verified!)
Update SQLSystemvariables set Value=0 where parm='CONFIGURATIONMODE'

4. Import license file  - Link

5. Deploy Dynamics 365 for operations environment into Azure - Link
This is good series of blog posts, to take you through deployment of various LCS environments. i.e. Development, Build and Test and Production environments.

6. Configure port forwarding. - Link

6. Install latest CU on local developer VM. - Link


Upgrade from AX 2012 to Latest Dynamics 365 Finance and Operation

Below are the steps defined by sequence. 1. Create new Upgrade project in Dynamics LCS. 2. Create VSTS Project and connect it with L...

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